It’s a birthday
November 12, 2010 for...
*Paper Bagley Studio *
I have been working on the move for a week now, which consisted of some late nights, like 3am!
Well...that’s because it’s good fun to reorganize and get to know what you have and what you didn’t think you had!
There are some changes that will take place in time but for now…here it is for all to see.
If you have “?s” or have ideas to throw my way I would love to hear them.
At this time I would like to say thank-you to my hubby for his support and understanding…I am so grateful for this time in my life. It is one that most women long for…now it is my time.
I would also like to thank family & friends for giving me motive to do this. Also to Vivi, Cherish and Little Toots for giving up your room!!
Décor is by Ambiance located in Astoria, Oregon and owned by; Deb Kelley and Londa Sarkie.
Check out their Facebook site for details and lots of pictures.
They also do shipping ladies!!!
The framed letters; Memories and Dream, saying blocks along with the suitcases are from Ambiance.
They have Christmas Décor that is unbelievable…you gotta look!!
Tootsie’s in her studio again…well it's after mid-nite so I think I'll depart for some shut eye for a early morning of coffee at the Svensen Senior center...
That be it, I have to get ready for 1st inspection mid-morning so I needs to go.